April 07, 2020
We want to start sharing more of those stories. Here’s Mary Beth, a clinical psychologist based in Rhode Island, sharing her top five flower essences.
"I was introduced to your elixirs four years ago from a close friend, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I can’t think of a day that I go without them. I usually use about three to four elixirs a day, along with the mists and serums, and it has been life changing.
I am a clinical psychologist and recommend your products to everybody. As you can imagine, sitting with seven to eight people a day and listening to difficult emotional content can be challenging. So, being able to have the stamina to sit and engage and be intimate and present is really important.
And it’s not only professionally, but also personally, that I can engage with people much easier in my life, even around difficult emotional content. This elixir is a godsend.
Just like the people that I work with, I have my own stuff to work on. Setting stronger boundaries with people and not being such an over-giver has been an area of my own personal growth.
Before Skyrocket, there were certain things I couldn’t imagine saying to people—I couldn’t imagine setting certain limits.
There hasn’t been an elixir that I have felt more physical effect from than Horsetail. On days that I am dragging, exhausted and just don’t have it to give, I take a few drops of Horsetail and I feel like I can do anything.
And, combining Horsetail + Skyrocket really makes me feel like superwoman.
P.S. I like to put it in some matcha for an extra boost!
Whenever I am feeling anxious—I think when anyone is—we have difficulty getting close to our emotions. It’s hard to get through those layers of fear and get to what’s really underneath.
How cool is it that I get to surrender? This elixir has helped me work deeper and get further with a lot of personal growth issues.
This one is my can’t-live-without, have-to-always-have-it-with-me.
I feel less self-conscious and really able to accept people wherever they’re at. I feel like I can actually enjoy being me, which hasn’t always been the case. Sometimes I am pretty tortured as a soul, so the fact that I can actually enjoy being in my own skin is incredible.
I can’t say enough about the blends. I’m a huge fan of Fierce Compassion, Infinite Love, Radiant Energy, and Quiet Mind. I use them every week.
Thank you for changing my life. And thanks for making my work life a ton easier!
I have so much in my LOTUSWEI collection, and I hope to keep building it for my own personal use and to share it with more people, because these products really work."
Love + flower petals,