May 2024 ~ Behind the Scenes

June 27, 2024

Holy wow, summer is here!

It’s still Dragon year, and this is your reminder: 

Don’t slack off from what you want to do - just because it’s summer!

Dragon year is the most auspicious time to focus on being – and doing – your best!

What you do right now – this year – impacts the next 20 years of your life! 

Here are some behind-the-scenes things we’ve been up to, and some more tips to make the very most of this year:

Finally our entryway at our Self-Arising Nature Center is complete!

The ground was consecrated when the Fu Dogs arrived. Our building has been fortified against any bad spirits or negative unseen forces.

The Fu Dogs are like a big spotlight. If anything bad comes, it turns on and blinds them. The force not to be reckoned with … the Fu Dog Lions.

Now to build some beautiful platforms for them to stand on. ; )

From spring blossoms into summer fruit!

Our nectarine trees transformed!

Wild how much joy it brings: Take breaks several times each day, walk outside with bare feet to your fruit tree. Pick 10-20 hot juicy nectarines off the tree and eat them as a snack.

It’s like eating liquid honey sunshine.

Plant a fruit tree now & it will give you decades of joy!

Alison paints our flowers & botanicals!

As a warm up for a giant piece she’s working on for the SAN Center, Alison is painting all the flowers & plants from our flower essences!

Like this beautiful fern! From Inner Knowing.

We’re also in the process of turning her botanical prints into fun stationery cards!

Then you can hand-write some meaningful notes to your loved ones, with a meaningful flower to greet them! Coming soon!

Did you know that Bamboo flowers?!!

I did NOT know that!

I knew that Bamboo was a grass, not a tree! I did not know it flowers!

It’s an extremely rare phenomenon.

Depending on the species, it blooms every 5 to 120 years! For this particular bamboo - it was the first time it bloomed in 20 years!

Of course, we took advantage to make a flower essence of this teeny, tiny flower! Stay tuned …

We had our biggest yet Virtual Smoke Offering!

Taylor put all the pieces together and we did it! We had more than 200 people from all over the world come together for a Smoke Offering.

People sent us photos of their loved ones with prayers, wishes and intentions.

Heart-warming & profoundly meaningful.

An absolute honor to do the practice on behalf of everyone.

Now, we have a monthly Smoke Offering Connection where you can make prayers, wishes or dedicate the ceremony to anyone in your life.

Such an amazing reason for us to connect and for such noble personal causes.

All of us donate our time. And we donate all of the proceeds!

Join us here.

We reached out to some autism doctors – and are still hoping for their responses.

We’ve heard from multiple practitioners that Truthteller has helped their nonverbal or non-speaking autistic kiddos speak - within one month! And Quiet Mind has helped those struggling with insomnia - to get full, restful nights' sleep!

We know of several Moms of children with autism, who say that our flower essences have benefited their children & entire family so much.

We would love your support to spread this message to more parents & practitioners.

On June 6th we had a new moon!

Whatever you write down now – will culminate on the full moon in December!

That’s almost the rest of the Dragon year right there!

What are your goals? Anything we can help you accomplish?

Feeling a little summer laziness or heat fatigue? ← Try Inspired Action.

Want more laughter & fun? ← We made this BIG limited edition Joy Juice Mist!

And if we’ve never properly introduced it yet – we have a flower essence wellness center!

check it out here

Got some big obstacles?

Try the Golden Aura Smoke Offering Connection.

Health issues?

Book a virtual or in-person healing session.

Need help pinpointing the flower essences you need most?

Book a virtual fower reading ~ now offered in every time zone in the world!

Your big Dragon year aspirations: how can we help?!

Love & flower petals,

P.S. We have so many NEW gorgeous herbal teas! Take the fun quiz here and see which one suits your fancy.

P.P.S. The Spider Milkweed is kicking my butt! In such an awesome way. Join us in the Flowerevolution this month – for my favorite new elixir – and make new friends with yourself. ; )