June 21, 2023
Insert dry brushing into your exfoliating routine.
First, let's talk about the traditional way of exfoliating the skin. It looks a little like this:
You do it in the shower while you're wet with a loofah or a washcloth. You use a substantial amount of pressure to 'scrub' off the dead skin cells. When you use water, it can cause the skin to plump, which can make it harder to get rid of dead skin cells. When you exfoliate using pressure, it can sometimes irritate or dry out the skin.
Dry brushing is a technique that helps detoxify the entire body through the skin. With light pressure & sweeping strokes, it wakes up your lymphatic system to flush out toxins, excess fluid, bacteria & cell waste from your body. It also stimulates your circulatory system & prevents stagnation of the blood. Bonus: it can even reduce the appearance of cellulite!
But there is a certain way to do it right.
Your lymphatic system flows through your body towards your heart, so pressure & direction are very important when dry brushing.
Pressure: Your lymphatic system responds to light, flowing pressure. No rubbing, scrubbing, or back & forth motions (the way you might be used to with traditional wet exfoliation).
Direction: Brush your arms up towards your shoulders. Brush your back up towards your shoulders. Brush up your chest - start around the belly button, then up the center of your chest & around the breast, then up under the arms. Brush up your legs starting with your feet.
How you care for your skin immediately after you are finished is super important!
First, MOISTURIZE! Apply a liberal amount of oil right after you’re done dry brushing, before you get into the shower:
Then, SHOWER! A cold shower promotes circulation, aiding in the detox process - use a natural soap to slough off all of the old dead skin cells! When you get out of the shower, make sure you are dabbing your skin dry rather than harshly rubbing the skin dry with a towel!
Happy brushing!