April 05, 2016

Do you wish you had more energy?

The Radiant Energy Flower Essence Blend can help you:

  • Naturally boost your energy levels 
  • Clear negative energy and set better boundaries
  • Balance + cleanse your reproductive system

Even if you already have tons of energy, who wouldn't want to exude more radiance, experience more steadiness and calm—even when others are stressing out—and emanate a more powerful presence?

radiant energy Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences
Aside from giving your energy levels a boost, here are several superpower flowers that pack a punch (and protect you from external influences), found in Radiant Energy:

Punica granatum
Activate: Strength
Message: Detox + re-energize.

A stunningly beautiful flower that turns into a beautiful fruit, Pomegranates have always been revered as a symbol of fertility. The fruit's rich red juice has been hugely popular in recent years for its antioxidants and nutrients.

As a flower elixir, the Pomegranate has several aspects. First, it helps the body gently cleanse itself of energetic static and stagnancy. It revitalizes you, wakes up your natural stores of energy and dissolves irritation that occurs as a result of toxicity or pollution in the body.

When used at least once each day in any form—elixir, mist, serum or anointing oil—it has the power to balance the female reproductive system, eliminating cramps and overall discomfort, while regularizing cycles, so your cycles are like clockwork. If you track cycles on paper or on an app, you'll find they become extremely predictable, which is hugely helpful when either trying to get pregnant or trying not to get pregnant. (It's so much easier to predict peak ovulation days if the cycles are regular!)

On an emotional level, Pomegranate liberates creative potential and creative expression, while feeling at ease with your nurturing or more feminine side of yourself (no matter your gender).

Pomegranate also has the capacity to speed up the bioenergetic detox of past sexual partners. Rather than the usual natural process of a seven-year detox, using pomegranate essence regularly can reduce the time period to one year. 



Crassula ovata
Activate: Presence
Message: Go for it!

Did you have Jade plants while growing up? Have you ever seen a Jade plant bloom? I never had, and was shocked to see the beauty of its explosive white star-like flowers.

This flower elixir expands your aura—your presence—so that when you walk into a room, people wonder, "Who is that?!" If you are reserved, or if there is anything you are feeling shy about, or some talent that you have been hesitant about, Jade Succulent helps bring it to the surface. It expands your chi and helps you express yourself more powerfully in the world. The way you'll see that reflected back to you is that suddenly more people will surround you in support of your ideas and talent.

Jade Succulent flower elixir dissolves fatigue, weakness, lack of clarity, apathy and shyness/hesitancy. It helps you get clear on what you want—and manifest it, by attracting support through your energy.


red clover LOTUSWEI flower essences

Red Clover
Trifolium pretense
Activate: Empathy
Message: You are invincible.

Were you one of those kids who played in Red Clover flowers as a child, eating them or weaving them into chains or crowns? Red Clover blossom is commonly known by many people around the world, and as an herbal remedy, it has tremendous healing value in teas and tinctures. In its flower elixir form, it dissolves collective fear and panic.

During extreme events, it keeps people calm and immune to the collective emotional instability that arises during calamities. On a smaller, more everyday scale, it prevents you from taking on emotions from colleagues or family members. When someone walks into a room angry or upset, if you're the type of person to then feel the emotion that got dumped in the room (who isn't?), Red Clover strengthens your energetic system so that you don't make those emotions your own. It helps protect you from taking on other people's stress and strengthens your energetic system so that you are not so vulnerable to people's mental states.

Additionally, it magnifies our ability to feel empathy and compassion. We can put ourselves in others' shoes and feel their emotions—yet not be overcome or affected by them. During times of stress we are able to remain steady and fearless. Others' fears, doubts, worries, insecurities or confusion does not accumulate in the body as they typically would, and we become less influenced by external imbalances or chaos.


navel orange blossom LOTUSWEI flower essences

Navel Orange Blossom
Citrus sinensis
Activate: Presence
Message: Warm up your heart.

Mmmm ... when you look at this photo above, can't you just smell that luscious, fresh scent? So many people love the aroma of orange blossoms, and the bees love these flowers too! That same feeling of delight we get when burying our nose in this flower is how we feel with the elixir.

The Navel Orange Blossom in particular has unique benefits, magnifying sensuality, playfulness, appreciation and feeling inspired by life. It warms us up, both physically and in terms of having a warm heart. It helps us feel alive and helps balance the reproductive system.

It dissolves any sense of feeling cold, whether physical—as in cold hands and feet—or emotional—like when we have a cold heart or feel unresponsive to others or certain people in particular. It warms us up when we feel numb or frozen emotionally as well as if we've experienced past sexual abuse. It breaks down barriers and walls inside us and softens hard places, helping us feel more accepting of ourselves and others.


black tourmaline gem essence LOTUSWEI flower essences


In each of our blends, we also add one gemstone elixir! Each gemstone is carefully chosen to further enhance + magnify the effects of the flower alchemy. This beneficial gemstone is for protection, cleansing your energy and purifying environments. When you experience energetic saturation, it helps your energetic system expel energies that are not your own.

For example, let's say you just came home from a party (lots of talking, shaking hands, hugging) and you feel a bit weird—like you're carrying thoughts around from other people that don't correspond to you. You may feel tired or have a funny feeling in your eyes or feel like you have a layer of something on your face. Or, you may experience emotions that quite literally are not your own. Black Tourmaline elixir helps us cut through the saturation and break up the energetic fog.



These are two flower elixirs that we feel are so important, we put them in every formula we make! We infuse blend with Pink Lotus (wisdom + insights) and Yarrow (re-energize after being on cell phone/computer). Pink Lotus is also a "catalyst flower essence," strengthening and boosting the synergistic effects of every blend.


The Radiant Energy blend contains just two oils—Palo Santo Fruit and Douglas Fir—whose combination is warm and uplifting. It’s a synergistic embodiment of energy and vitality!



  1. Travel: Any and all airplane flights; when you're experiencing jet lag
  2. Group situations: After a party, conference or being around a lot of people (especially when lots of physical contact)
  3. EMF protection: If you work on a computer for long hours every day, travel a lot by plane or talk on the cell phone often
  4. Energy protection: When you're listening to a lot of problems/emotional strife (doctors, nurses, crisis counselors, psychologists, therapists or customer service positions)—use in between each client/patient and at the end of the day
  5. Hair stylists: When you're working with someone's crown or hair all day long—use in between each client and at the end of the day
  6. Balance female reproductive system: If you experience cramps, use it every day and by your next cycle you'll experience less pain/discomfort, if any at all
  7. Pregnancy: When you're trying to get pregnant and when you're trying not to get pregnant (pinpoint your peak ovulation times)
  8. Boost libido: Magnify sensuality & gently boost libido
  9. Energy boost: If you feel like you need coffee or sugar in the afternoon to keep you going; if you feel like you always need a nap in the afternoons (nothing wrong with napping though!)
  10. Public speaking: Dissolve shyness & expand your presence
  11. When around negativity: Any time you're around people with strong negative emotions or in an environment that is not positively charged
  12. Times of hysteria: During a natural disaster or fearful world event, such as an attack or when people are experiencing a collective fear
  13. As a cleanser: To cleanse a space, such as your office or bedroom
  14. Boost immune system: During an illness, when you feel like your immune system is in need of a boost (if you're vulnerable to a cold or feeling run down)
  15. Detox: Gently cleanse your energetic system; support your energetic system during a cleanse or fast; to clear all energetic residue of past sexual partners (use regularly for one year to reduce this time period from seven years to one year)


  1. Vitality, presence and strength
  2. Balancing of the reproductive system
  3. Creative energy and self-expression
  4. More ease with setting and maintaining energetic boundaries
  5. Increased empathy and compassion
  6. Clarity about what you want
  7. Expansion of chi energy
  8. Feeling like you have more to bring to the table
  9. Warming up emotionally and physically
  10. Feeling more accepting of yourself and others

Radiant energy lotuswei flower essence elixir blend collection aura mist


As a sensitive individual, I felt like I was taking on other people’s energy, and I didn’t know how to stop doing that. Radiant Energy helped me maintain my own energetic boundaries and still have compassion for others while not taking on their stuff. That’s been transformative, because it’s given me so much more energy and zest for life.” —Nicholle Caldwell

"I have fallen deeply in love with all of the LOTUSWEI blends. I use them personally and clinically with my patients, and I cannot sing their praises enough! It's difficult for me to choose a favorite blend since I adore them all, but if I had to choose one it would be Radiant Energy. When I first tried this blend, I instantly felt a deep boost of energy in my sacral chakra center. The sacral chakra is all about creation. Creating life and creating things in your life! It was so healing to feel energy in that space build. It was a feeling I had never experienced before. I felt lighter, more energized, and whole within my body after taking it for a few days. I couldn't believe how quickly it worked and how amazing I had felt. I use this remedy with many patients who need help treating chronic or acute fatigue, trauma, postpartum qi building, stress induced exhaustion, and for those who need that extra boost of energy from deep within. It's overall a beautiful energy tonic! I am so grateful to LOTUSWEI for creating these incredible flower essence blends, so we can heal, feel, and become our most authentic selves." Dr. Renee Hubka

Working at a machine shop involves dealing with a lot of different chemicals and vibrations throughout the day. I have been practicing Tai Chi daily for the past seven years, and I needed something to get me past this energy lull to pursue my practice at the end of the day. I started taking the Radiant Energy elixir and noticed it helped tremendously. Instead of coming home tired, drained and feeling like I needed a long nap to recuperate, I could practice for a few hours and not feel like I wasted anything throughout the day.Frank Banuelos

Radiant Energy is one of my favorites. It’s great for energy workers to protect your energy. In this day and age when we overuse our cell phones, this is a really great blend to rebalance. It always gives me a boost.” Marianne Talkovski

Radiant Energy helps me with digestion and cramping—and also gives me a boost of energy. It kind of has a kinetic energy—I imagine it as a force field against other people’s stress. In the massage business, people come with their stresses and it’s sometimes hard to detach yourself from that as you’re trying to empathize with them. For people who come in agitated or having issues in their life, I recommend Radiant Energy.Lorainne Webb

"I’m such a fan of the entire Radiant Energy collection. I travel a lot and live in NYC and this collection is a must! The serum I especially love using after a shower on my face and body to coat me in warm vitality and also protect me prior to the subway and office. It helps me stay grounded and balanced and convey a warm, creative, powerful presence. The scent is amazing and this is the best serum to help you meet your day and be your best! I’ve also found it really helps me when I’m feeling run down, and during cold weather season." Laura

"Using this anointing oil has made my period cramps non-existent—I am so amazed. I won't go without this one!Andrea

"This blend does exactly what it says it does: cleanse! I've found that using it provides me the same sense of lightening and clearing that smudging with sage or palo santo would provide me. It's a great alternative to those especially in situations that don't allow for fire.Margaret

"I started using Radiant Energy about three months ago and felt the effects almost immediately. My hot flashes are gone, and all the symptoms I had from menopause have mellowed out. I’m so grateful!" Laurie


Radiant energy lotuswei flower essence aura mist essential oil oils blend collection

In Essence

Magnifies: Energy, vitality, protection, strength, powerful presence, immune system boost, recharge after air travel, computer use and X-rays

Dissolves: Fatigue after computer/cell phone use or air travel, overstimulation, taking on others' stress, feeling invisible, weak immune system

Have you used flower essences to boost your energy? What kind of experiences have you had? 

Love + flower petals,