April 13, 2018

Do you feel like you are overexerting or overextending yourself?

The papaya flower essence can help you to cultivate collaboration versus competition by allowing you to:

  • Balance the feminine + masculine qualities in yourself
  • Recognize the power in being tender and soft
  • Clarify compatibility with others, your sexual orientation and your ability to love yourself and others unconditionally
Papaya is found in our Full Bloom blend


The first time I saw Papaya flowers growing in the jungles of Mexico, I was amazed. I was familiar with Papaya fruits, which I ate all the time while living in Mexico. A common breakfast there, I was eating it with lime and chili or in smoothies.

But, to see the flowering tree from which this large orange fruit came was a surprise. And they were just growing on the side of the road!

What It Reveals

If you are attracted to the Papaya flower, you may be exerting a lot effort and overextending yourself. You may feel the desire to collaborate instead of compete yet find it difficult to accept help.

Being drawn to Papaya flower may indicate that you are reevaluating your relationship to masculine and feminine qualities within yourself. You may crave to rely more on intuition and listening versus being heard or expressing your energy outwardly.

In Western cultures, when feminism first arose, it promoted equal opportunity for women, which often got translated into women doing the same activities as men (instead of culturally placing tremendous value on what women were already doing).

Culturally, in the last few decades, the pendulum swung toward an imbalanced excess of the masculine way of doing things, with a depleted feminine energy. For example, we have all heavily placed value on action, competition and expending our energy externally, or "doing." Our media has been previously top-down, one voice and hierarchical.

What It Catalyzes

Activate: Receptivity
Message: Gentle is powerful.

Just as the enzyme in the fruit is known for its ability to tenderize and soften, the Papaya flower plays a special role in helping our planet recognize the power in being tender and soft. 

As we enter into a time of increasing female leadership, Papaya flower elixir prepares our collective consciousness for honoring the feminine just as much as the masculine. We are relearning to value and cherish both masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves and how that plays out in our everyday actions.

A new kind of era is upon us, where we are recognizing both masculine and feminine ways of being and doing things within ourselves. The explosion of social media, communication and media in the last decade is an embodiment of a more feminine style of communication: networks. As a culture, we are learning to find a balance of masculine/feminine energies, focusing more on "being" just as much as "doing."

Papaya flower teaches us how to flourish by attaining a healthy balance of both yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) qualities in ourselves and our culture. Both are necessary and vitally important. However, if we are to find a balance, it is time to enhance the yin qualities which have been historically devalued: receptivity, listening, nurturing, intuition, collaboration, compassion and tenderness.

By honoring the feminine, the Papaya flower elixirhelps us perceive events such as menstruation, birthing, breastfeeding and menopause as sacred and divine—activities that relate to giving life and supporting the sustainability of humankind.

It also helps women accept support and assistance from men with grace and tenderness. It inspires both men and women to recreate the healthy and harmonic balance of yin and yang aspects in each one of us as individuals as well as in our world.

Papaya flower elixir also assists greatly in any type of relationship by clarifying compatibility, sexual orientation and our ability to love ourselves and others with the unconditional love that a mother shows her child. Beyond romantic relationships, it also helps us understand our relationship with our mother and anyone that we "mother."

 Papaya blossom full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

Flower Freak Details

The Papaya tree is native to southern Mexico and Central America, but now it's grown in tropical areas all over the world. There are three different kinds of Papaya tree flowers (Carica papaya): male, female and hermaphrodite. The male produces star-like flowers; the female gorgeous flowers that look like fallopian tubes. Whereas the female tree needs the male tree’s pollen in order to produce fruits, the hermaphrodite tree can self-pollinate.

The Papaya’s green fruit and the tree’s latex are rich with an enzyme called Papain, which helps us digest food, acts as a natural skin exfoliant and tenderizes meat.

papaya flowers LOTUSWEI flower essences

What People Are Saying

"Of all the elixirs I have tried from LOTUSWEI, this is one of the most powerful for me. I felt things shifting the day after I started using it. An imbalance of feminine and masculine energy has made itself known to me over the past few months and Papaya Flower is working hard to repair and bring things into balance." —Darci

"This elixir has been gentle and powerful for me. Gently bringing up baggage with my mother and relationship tension which are intertwined. It's helped me unravel my truth and let go of a lot of pain that isn't mine. Excited to continue taking it and see what else unfolds! Thank you!" —Anonymous

Papaya blossom full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

In Essence

Magnifies: Balance of feminine and masculine aspects; enhanced ability for collaboration, receptivity, receptivity, intuition, nurturing and community mindset; learning the balance between ‘making it happen' and ‘magnetizing’ what you need; compatibility within all types of relationships; harmony within relationships with mother or children; clarity regarding sexuality/sexual orientation.

Dissolves: Any excess of hardness of character, competition, envy or refusal to accept help; devaluation of feminine energy or roles; past trauma with mother or mothering; discord within romantic partnership; confusion regarding sexuality or sexual orientation; fears about pregnancy, breastfeeding, motherhood, menopause.


Infused with flower essences that wake up the power of fearlessness, openness and perseverance, Full Bloom helps you skyrocket to the next level of your growth + take a BIG leap toward your full potential.

full bloom Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

Love + flower petals,

Katie Hess Signature LOTUSWEI