February 22, 2019

Every Flowerlounge culminates in our traditional dedication ritual + flower offering. To conclude our#Flowerloungemagic events, we did one at Tempe Town Lake, where we acknowledged all the energy, effort, love and flowers that went into the events & dedicated it all to the happiness of everyone in the city along with every vast or specific heartfelt wish or prayer from the group ...

May there be a ripple of remembrance that anything is possible. ⁣⠀
May each one of these petals bring joy. May they spark ✨flashes of insight✨ into our own greatness. ⁣⁣May they bring harmony. May they bring a moment of meaning, a reminder of what’s really important.⁣

May the nature spirits of the land, the lake and the city, and its people be happy.⁣

May there be more laughter + fun + playfulness for everyone⁣⁣.⁣

May the love, magic + joy experienced this week to radiate to all beings everywhere.

The act of offering these flowers from our first Flowerlounge in our home town felt wildly profound + expansive. It was like we were standing at the the top of a mountain saying, "Hey Phoenix, we are here. ⁣We've planted ourselves, and ready are ready to bloom into our fullest expression. We are rising like the Phoenix and we. are. on. fire."⁣🔥

Deep bow to the sparkly beings that joined us + to everyone who came to our events this week! The impact of your presence was felt + we can't wait to have you back in our new home again.⁣ 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻

Love + flower petals,
Katie + the LOTUSWEI Team