September 05, 2024

Taylor here!

A few weeks ago, I posted a video Reel on Instagram that BLEW up.

It’s our most liked, watched, saved, commented, shared video of all time ...

And, thousands of new people were connected to LOTUSWEI ~ because it sort of went viral.

This super simple, 45-second video touched the hearts of thousands of people.

When I try to break down the clip to find what it actually was that made it spread like wildfire ... I think it is this:

The wisdom of Mother Earth is something that we all have access to.

That wisdom doesn’t belong to anyone.

Nobody owns the Earth or owns the wisdom of plants & flowers.

We are incredibly connected to the flowers & plants of the Earth on a level that is insurmountable.

As human beings, we never forget this; sometimes we just don't remember.

And what this video is doing is shining a 45-second spotlight into that well of wisdom inside of every single one of us, that maybe we don't access on a daily basis ... and just didn't remember is there for us to lean into.

So this video is that reminder.

Because you have it.

You always, always have it.

This video was shot in the desert north of Phoenix with the Sacred Science crew for their Healing Kitchens docu-series.

They generously gave us all the footage from their interviews with Katie, Alan, Justin & Lisa.

Playing with their footage re-ignited my love for video editing. The footage is stunning & SO fun to work with!

I am ITCHING to dig through all of it & make more videos to share ... coming soon. Rummaging through that footage is currently on hold, as the entire creative team over here has been JAMMING [our Australian friend Kaitlin would say "heads down, bum up!”] ... to finish something REALLY exciting.

Here's a sneak peek …

… card deck coming Winter 2024!

The Healing Kitchens docu-series: Let Food Be Thy Medicine, is screening for free in 5 days, starting September 10th!

Their entire series is jam-packed with impossible-to-forget / might-not-remember ancient wisdom practices & powerfully healing recipes for the body, heart & mind.

Like this video of Katie & Chef Justin making a flower essence infused chocolate aphrodisiac!

Sign up to get free access to the screening of this docu-series here!

You'll see sprinkles of Katie, Justin & Alan from our team throughout the series. And full bonus videos with each of them telling their full story!

This is the only time the series will be free to watch ~ so get in now here.

Love & flower petals,