It’s been four months since I purchased this flower essence and began taking it. The four-month span is in itself different from my experience with other flower essences, where I would diligently finish a bottle within a month. It’s almost like this bottle has asked me to only reach for it when I felt called to— teaching me how to reconnect to my inner knowing. I am now using it « as prescribed », if not more so.. and it has been interesting to arrive here more naturally; through intuition and being connected to myself, rather than through discipline or logic. It’s so remarkable to me! The process of taking five drops/five times a day is the same whether by discipline or by ‘inner knowing’, but the latter, at least for right now, is leaving room for insight and inspiration. And the effects of taking the drops are becoming more noticeable, almost by the day. This too is different from past experiences in which I felt the greatest impact or shift in the first days of beginning an essence. I can’t remember now what exactly I had hoped to get out of this but I imagine that it was a very definite and clear sense of ‘what I should do next’, and while I won’t say that I have been awarded answers, it no longer feels an issue. I am none the more ‘clearer’ but I have a blind trust that the earth will be where my next step lands. Even, that this blind trusting is necessary and beautiful.