Wild Abundance Elixir

Experience the magic of everyday life. Embrace prosperity & the richness of every moment. Know that you are divinely beautiful.
Flower Essences Inside


White Water Lily

Night-Blooming Jasmine

Shift in Perception


Pink Lotus

Have you been overextending or overworking yourself? Rather than bending over backwards, magnetize what you need when you need it with Wild Abundance Elixir 

MAGNIFIES: Gratitude, prosperity & magnetism; synchronicity, awareness & sharpened senses; feeling beautiful & uninhibited

DISSOLVES: Self-doubt, shyness or embarrassment; scarcity mentality or habit of overextending; jealousy; self-judgment or self-criticism

How to Use
Set your intention. Take 5 drops, 5 times a day. Add to all your beverages - coffee, tea, water, etc. Put a dropperful in every water bottle.

Safe for children over 1 year.
Purified Water (Aqua), Ethically-Sourced Honey, Silver Hydrosol, Vitis vinifera (Grape) Alcohol, Paeonia lactiflora (Peony) Flower Essence, Gardenia jasminoides (Gardenia) Flower Essence, Jasminum sambac (Jasmine) Flower Essence, Nymphaea odorata (White Water Lily) Flower Essence, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Flower Essence, Nelumba nucifera (Lotus) Flower Essence and Diamond Gem Essence.

Customer Reviews

Based on 59 reviews
so much more room for love <3

wow. so much more room for love has opened up in me since taking this elixir. I'm putting a few drops in all beverages and a full dropperful in my water bottle. The honey in Lotus Wei's blends are a really nice luxurious touch. I got this after taking the master quiz and I immediately felt like the jasmine was working on me to accept all of myself. such a radical and much needed shift since as a woman i feel like my appearance is always up for scrutiny. my self confidence has increased and I feel like my most beautiful, radiant self. Thank you Katie and these beautiful flower teachers for their blessings. love is all around <3

Daniela! Super thrilled for you, for your experience. xoxo

Nina Koulogeorge
Not what I was hoping for

I’ve taken flower essence before and had some minor changes and or a shift in emotions. I was really drawn to Wild Abundance as I’ve been going through a very difficult time for almost a year now and I’m at my breaking point. I’ve been on a healing journey for quite some time and believe this would be a good add to my healing. It just had no significant changes that I could write about. Mood and energy has been the same since prior to taking this elixir. My challenges seem to ware me down, but I wake up everyday fighting for the relief! It will come but maybe this was not the best elixir for me? Everyone is different and so many people here have had great benefits. If you’re drawn to it - then try it and see. 🫶🏼

Nina, sorry to hear that your elixir didn't seem to be a good fit. Did you take the Flower Quiz on the upper left of the Home page? That will help you pinpoint which one you need first. Based on your brief description, you may want to consider Sacred Body or Inner Peace. Sacred Body contains Self-Heal, which is good for helping the body thrive, and Inner Peace has Hibiscus flower remedy in it, which is good for seeing light at the end of the tunnel after a long period of stress. Do either of these resonate with you?

T Stroh
It's Working :)

I have had health issues with both knees being replaced this year. Having been "down" for a few months I have been obsessing about money issues, how things are going to get paid spiraling down down down into a deep depression. When everything went 25% off this month I jumped on the chance to try Wild Abundance. Figured what the hell can't get any worse right ?
Well I have been using the essence for about 3 weeks now and I am much better. No money hasn't showed up in my mailbox or my checking account unfortunately but I am feeling better about life in general.
I'm walking the dog a mile a day and I have shifted my focus onto much healthier things in general. All this has been very subtle but slowly coming to the surface and I am sleeping MUCH better which has helped life in general.
Though I am retired and have to save for these essences I will continue to do so. Thank for the 25% off or I would have never been able to afford this wonderful Elixir!

Hey T!
Ah this has brought such happiness to my day hearing your experience - I know I have spoken to you over email. I remember you :)
Absolutely thrilled for you!
Please have a look at the bonus treasures we have that can compliment your Wild Abundance elixir. I'll leave them below for you - there are meditations, podcasts and journal prompts. They all really help!


within 24 hours

I took my first dose on Thursday night after receiving it in the mail. On Friday I won a free bikini and necklace ($300 worth), and I love jewelry and bikinis lol. I have been saving and spending less so this was a surprise! Looking forward to taking it regularly and seeing what happens. Since then, a few days now, there have been some interesting opportunities in areas where there had been nothing but blocks. So cool!

I can hardly believe it - but it works!!!

I’ve been using the Wild Abundance Elixir for about two weeks now. A few days ago I was hit with life altering news and yet I was able to deal with it REALLY WELL. Overall I’m really enjoying it!! I’ve bought two more different blends!!