I can't truly say exactly what occurred with True Strength due to the fact of taking it with other essences. I will say this, in the vein of the body never lies. I love this essence, no idea if it's placebo (due to the name) yet it kept calling me and Im stronger in my own ground and authenticity. Self governed, audacious. Having been one deeply ingrained more than most in a spiritual teaching for many many years from a young age, I say the days of spiritual teachers are over and clearly shown their flaws (and continue to). We are in the time of sage and sorcerer where no followers are required! Each of us that ... and necessary that we embody that inner sage and sorcerer, our unique fingerprint of God, for our planet to evolve. More adults, less children - lions versus sheep. Strong inner strength, and self ownership outside of all appearances (never the truth) judgement, and self compromise. Ive always been drawn to bad ass women, you know those who keep it real, The sacred is bad ass! Look around. Love is wild and uncompromising, not what our culture has dumbed us down with. This facilitated the alignment of both the bad ass and the Bodhivista! I never had children, very clear it was never my calling. I have always said, I'm no Mother (well thats not true as we all are) yet I'm one hell of a Mother F....... (oops !). Gently fierce one could say. It strengthening, balancing and 'sourcing' wherever it is needed in both body/psyche! Love it.